ICUユニット フクダME 動物専用ICU Dear M11

ICU Unit – Fukuda ME Dear M11 (Animal-Specific ICU)

中型犬も入れるICUユニットを独自にオーダーいたしました。 温度・湿度・酸素濃度を快適にコントロールしてくれます。 停電や異常を感知した場合、自動で緊急換気窓が開き、事故を未然に防ぎます

We have custom-ordered an ICU unit large enough to accommodate medium-sized dogs.

This unit provides precise control over temperature, humidity, and oxygen concentration to ensure a comfortable and safe environment for hospitalized animals. In the event of a power outage or system abnormality, an automatic emergency ventilation window opens to prevent accidents.

Key features include:
Optimal air circulation for even oxygen distribution
High airtightness to ensure a stable environment
User-friendly touchscreen display for easy monitoring of operating conditions and environmental changes
Automated logging system for efficient record management

This advanced ICU unit offers enhanced safety and comfort, providing peace of mind for both patients and caregivers.


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