
  • semiconductor laser

    Semiconductor Laser

    The medical laser which plays an active role in intractable disease including cancer.For cancer clinical applications, inserting laser endoscope in the body, which destroys cancer cells using laser irradiation and a monitor, and radiating laser after injecting special pigment in the blood, which is incorporated only into the cancer cells, could be main clinical applications in the near future. The laser which is used for diagnosis and measurement as well. In care field, laser therapy is effectively used for bedsores medical treatment of bedridden people. In the future, portable laser devices will be used home healthcare by doctors and nurses who practice home visit care.

  • ICU

    ICU Unit

    ICU system will minimize the emergency conditions.

  • 1544205_10202418868330494_1865324002_n

    Metran’s Ventilator

    Can support a wide range of patients from mice to large animals.

  • Cage

    Cages for large dogs and small animals

    We have variety size cages for your animals. Especially, large dogs can relax in our big cage. small dogs and cats can safely stay and play inside our cage or playground.

  • airvets

    Dental Unit

    A machine which is also used for professional dental care for human.

  • X線照射器

    X-ray Irradiator

    A high power machine in a compact body.
    Exposure to radiation is very small
    and can meet variety of needs from small dogs to large dogs

  • apllio300

    Aplio 300 Ultrasound High end model

    Canon Aplio 300  that examines operability, image quality and functionality,

  • procyte

    Blood Test Equipments

    Blood testing equipment is available inside our hospital which offers a more accurate result and shorter waiting time.

  • ドッグラン

    Dog Run

    There is a secure dog run covered with a fence on the second floor of our hospital which can also be used in the training class .

  • snapshot_dx_main

    Blood Test Equipments

    SNAP shot Dx Analyzer will find endocrine system diseases and  Coag Dx Analyzer will find coagulation system abnormalities. We can provide safer treatments and surgeries

    coag_main2 idexx-vetlab-station-main

  • hero_calneo-smart-v_01

    Digital Developing Machine FUJIFILM CALNEO Smart V

    hero_calneo-smart-v_01Digital X-ray system can be diagnosed immediately and
    a steady good image is always available to be seen since the image can be seen on computer

  • d-lase

    Laser irradiation machine D-Lase V20


  • pic_lasereo_01

    Endoscope FUJIFILM LASEREO 7000


  • Si-Sharing_JA_2_eab673dc52b0446b2b598a80abc7b050

    Microscope ECLIPSE Si

    ECLIPSE Siを導入いたしました。Wifiで接続することにより、リアルタイムの画像をオーナーさんにも一緒にiPad上で見ていただけます。
